Your Soul's Calling. 2019.


My hope for all of us in 2019 is a peaceful heart.  Even if for one breath, or perhaps a day or momentary glimpses throughout the year.  From this resting place it's possible to source a little more love.  

Before moving forward, I'm inviting all of us to reflect back.  For me, 2018 has been all about initiating a relationship with Divine Grace - that radiant, gutsy, truth-telling part of me that is ready to be set free.  As an expression of my gratitude, I honored all that has unfolded - both the enjoyable and the sucky stuff - by writing myself a letter.  It’s the best way I know how to keep falling in love with the woman I am becoming. 


DIVINE GRACE. I am grateful for all that you have taught me this year.  I feel you by my side, wrapping your arms around my fears with a tender holding that reminds me I am not alone.  It’s the raw beauty of my humanity that connects me with everyone else on this planet.  I now realize we all share the same wings.
Thank you for showing me the ways in which I artificially manufacture caverns in which to hide.  Places in my mind that keep directing me to stand in the shadow and turn away from my light.  This awareness has taught me that the light is bright enough to lift all of us, including me.
Thank you for leading me on a path that illuminated my soul’s purpose.  I know I am here to build a bridge that integrates your wise power within our human experience.  Not because we want to hide in the vapors of love and light but because it is the love and light that will fuel our power to make some really courageous shifts in this complicated, sometimes messed up and beautiful life we are living.
Thank you for introducing me to my Sisterhood.  The radiant women I have learned from, healed with and grown because of, are my saving Grace.  They inspire me each and every day to rise up, be seen and open my heart even more.  Fierce, penetrating love is the medicine that will transform the planet.  We are just getting started. 

Finally, thank you for introducing me to three powerful new words - "own my truth".  I'm finding that it takes courage to allow my truth to be just as it, without filters or qualifiers.  Much to my delight and amazement, telling my story is equally liberating.   This evolution is a big damn deal.

As 2018 comes to a close, I intend to give this year space to breathe.  Its wisdom will become my navigation system for the upcoming year.  I will get still.  Pull out my journal and begin to hear your words.  Breathe in.  Breathe out.  Surrender.  Allow.  Receive.  Be surprised.

What happened in 2018 that makes me smile from the inside out?  (accomplishments, achievements, dreams fulfilled)

What is the biggest lesson I learned in 2018?

What did I let go of that no longer serves me? (limiting beliefs, fears, behaviors)

What medicine healed me in 2018, leaving me more balanced and whole? (invoking guidance, nature, relationships)  

How will I go deeper with this healing medicine in 2019?

What is my soul most calling me to do in 2019?  What is rising in me?

With optimism and a pulsing desire to keep going deeper in our relationship, I look forward to unfolding the mystery that awaits in 2019.


robin rorex