Listening To The Whispers
Because of you, I discovered me.
For many years, perhaps many lifetimes, I have been asking the seemingly simple yet elusive question, “What is my calling?” As many of you know from your own experience, this is quite often a messy, non-linear and evolutionary process. That has certainly been my reality.
My journey started by pursuing my passion- sports and sneakers. This led to some of my most coveted experiences and relationships, including one of my non-negotiable life mantras, “Always wear cool and comfortable shoes.”
Then my heart opened to a deep caring and curiosity around what it means to be human. Through this exploration I realized that whenever there are people involved, there is an abundant source of compassion and unlimited potential coupled right alongside the possibility of binding fear and palpable suffering (aka “difficult emotions"). This insight fueled my commitment to begin creating sacred space for real conversations to happen and real connections to be made - a place that invited wisdom, love and healing. And so it began.
From there, the inquiry went deeper, opening up my own humanity. I got really curious about what lies underneath the cacophony of fear-based and doubt filled bullshit that lived in my head. The noise that kept advising me to chase the “shoulds” and ignore the “musts”. You can relate, right?
Instinctively being pulled toward the great guidance of silence I began to listen to the whispers. Slowly, the language of my heart revealed itself. Underneath the sludge, I found my authenticity, my courage and my voice...along with my hunger to play bigger in the world.
Which leads me to the clarity of my calling. My work is activating women to become courageous truth-tellers.
Together, we will be the force of positive change we so desperately need in the world right now. One badass woman at a time.
Big Love,