Radical Courage – Hide or Be Seen


In this radically courageous authentic vulnerable discussion about facing fears, healing core wounds, reclaiming power and embracing one’s authentic self, Anahata and Robin explore: 

  • Why radical courage is so vital, at this time of such human conflict and environmental challenge

  • How painful it is to hide, play small, and give your power away and the ultimate cost

  • The liberation of authenticity – radically unapologetically embracing oneself, one’s voice and one’s truth

  • Traps of seeking external validation for worthiness, acceptance, love and success

  • Facing fears of rejection, criticism, judgement, pain, loss or failure

  • Journey of expressing your own truth, reclaiming and harnessing your authentic personal power

  • Embracing the pain, and healing the wounds from the past instead of sedating, blaming, avoiding, ignoring & distracting

  • The power of healing the inner child and the courage to forgive self and others while summoning compassion

  • How our traumas, challenges and pains have been preparing us for our soul’s mission

  • Celebrating and embracing diversity as the path to understanding, healing the collective wounds of humanity and moving forward together with collaborative solutions for the new paradigm

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