Here’s how we roll…
The Circles are typically led by 2-3 facilitators, with a maximum of 12 participants. Because nature is our primary teacher we go to places where we can be in direct contact with her wisdom. Grace’s home is Skyfall, in Joshua Tree California, sacred land of the Chemehuevi and Serrano peoples. Consider joining us there. Our space is magical. The land is healing. The energy is restorative.
Our approach and flow is designed to transform inner-knowing and intuition (spirit’s wisdom) with practical application in our every day lives (wise action). Both are essential for balance, peace and power.
For individuals: We will be announcing upcoming program dates and you can sign-up by yourself. We guarantee you will meet other amazing humans and melt into each other’s hearts throughout your journey.
For established groups and organizations: Invite a group of 8-12 people and let’s get started. The only non-negotiable we have is that everyone attends by choice – no "voluntold" participants. This is transformational and powerful healing work, which makes it essential for all participants to be willing to push the edges of their own comfort zone while offering their support and full presence to others. This allows us to create a brave healing space for the collective group to share, learn and grow together.